We have our own Vancouver P4C network, entitled Engaged Philosophical Inquiry consortium (EPIC). To find out all the activities contected with EPIC, please go to http://blogs.ubc.ca/epic/
The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is where P4C all began over 40 years ago. If you go to the IAPC website, and click on the World of P4C, you will see that this movement is worldwide, and that VIPC is recognized affiliate.
The North American Association of the Community of Inquiry (NAACI) is a North American association that hosts bi-yearly P4C conferences in the US, Canada, or Mexico. It was hosted by VIPC in 2000 and in 2012. NAACI sponsors a P4C journal entitled Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis (ATPP).
The International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC) is the international P4C association. It also runs a bi-yearly conference (in alternate years to the above). The 2015 ICPIC conference will be hosted by VIPC in partnership with UBC. ICPIC also published a journal entitled Childhood and Philosophy.
The Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is a US P4C organization. If you click on “resources,” and then “pre-college programs,” you will see how many prestigious universities in the US (including Harvard, John Hopkins, Yale, University of Chicago, and Columbia, amongst others) are now involved in the P4C movement.
As examples of a more detailed account of Philosophy for Children see the following:
North America:
University of Washington’s Center for Philosophy for Children
Tom Wartenberg’s P4C center
(If you scroll down and click “watch,” there is a video to watch.)
Thomas Wartenberg is a philosophy professor at Mount Holyoke College. He has developed the website Teaching Children Philosophy as part of his research project on philosophy for children. In addition to teaching a course each year for undergraduates on philosophy for children, he has published articles describing his course. He has recently finished a book, Big Ideas for Little Kids, that is a guide for teaching philosophy to elementary-school children.
Sara Goering is Program Director for the University of Washington Center for Philosophy for Children in the United States. Below is her TED talk.
(There is a video on the home page.)
The following are in the UK:
The Philosophy Foundation
There is a video on the home page
Video on home page.
Philip Cam is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia. He has published many articles, books and teaching materials for teacher and children engaged in philosophy. You can also visit his website. Below is a video that features his work.